new to forum, new car, seriously stuck :-(


New Member
Hey guys,

My names Andy and I bought my first integra on friday. Its a 1991 LS. I have ALWAYS wanted one and I must say I was very happy when I got it as ive always wanted one of these. Upon buying it, the guy told me that it had a few problems such as a cracked radiator missing door panel etc, and being a mechanic it didnt bother me. I had it towed home, and I replaced the brake master cylinder and bled the lines, replaced the radiator, water pump, and timing belt, and water pump. I got her to fire up and she ran really good until all of a sudden when the engine temp got up to about halfway it started to chug, like it wouldnt rev more than 1200 rpms and the car kept dying. it took me a half hour to get it up the drive way. Once it cooled down it started running good again and then immediately started to chug again. I noticed that there was water in the oil so I replaced the head, and all other gaskets and had the head machined to flatten it back out. I got it all back together last night and tried to start it, and all it wanted to do was chug. Strange thing is that I dont think its a misfire because all of the header tubes were warm. Im kinda stuck and after I spent about 600 bux on parts this weekend im not too happy. Strange thing is that when I jumpered the little data connector in the passenger foot area to make it display codes I didnt get any flashes. Am I doing it wrong or will it not display any blinks if there are no codes present?

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
also, the little connector that i jumpered to get codes was gray, I did some reading and it said that itdd most likely be blue. Is there a chance that some of them were gray instead of blue? also. How much of an affect would being off one tooth on the timing belt have? because it may have jumped a tooth.


Well-Known Member
Being off a tooth will cause it to run like crap. I couldnt keep my motor idling when I rebuilt it when i was off a tooth.


New Member
I couldnt get the light to flash or even stay lit. It looks like you can only pull codes when the actual light is on and not pull pending ones. My ECU has an LED on it and apparently according to the haynes manual itll flash the codes using the ECU LED instead of the check engine light.

I pulled the valve cover off and checked the timing. It looked right but i pulled the belt off anyway and retimed it, and low and behold, it runs now lol. Now on to the other issues its having lol.