New Seats 91'


New Member
whats newer seats would fit in my 91 integra.
i dont car if i gotta get diffrent mounts i just want new nice looking seats

that fit right of couse......
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New Member
none will be direct bolt-in, you'll have to do some modifications to fit other oem seats

as for after market seats, all you'll need is aftermarket seat brackets designed for the car and universal rails

such as : weapon r, buddy club, sparco


New Member
ok so if i wanted 94 integra gsr leather seats what rails and brackets would i need

do you know any web sights that sell or would i be better off making my own

dont want to pay $500 for some stupid fvckn metal brackets when i can make my own

or maybe what seats would best fit my 91 that are leather and nice?
what would you go with?


New Member
dragon so your saying my brackets and rails are the same as a del sols?!

so pretty much spacers and new holes?
now the hard part is getting the money for the gsr leather hahaha

but one more qeustion what about the seat belt

i want 94 gsr and up seats =]]]
