New Person!!!


CHiCk WiT HoT CaRz
Hey EvErYoNe....I JusT wAntEd To SaY wAsSup...and I'm NeW HeRe. Also...Just wanted ya to know i have an Integra 4dr Mint like no other [[My Daily Driver]]. Honda Civic Ex [[Trying to SeLL]]..All nice and Clean.
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I ♥ My Integra
welcome and post pics of your cars and especially yourself ! don't have to many chicks here on CI.


Second Glance
nice cars...and welcome to the CI. Selling the EX? Well, I guess owning an SI and EX makes it a no brainer


CHiCk WiT HoT CaRz
ThAnx I Try My BesT To KeEp ThEm LooKiNG GooD...DoNT WanT An UgLY RiDe..[[lol]] JuSt DoEsNt Go..
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New Member
i think im in love with AllMoToR_TeG:shockl:
j/k :welcome:
is your caps button broken?

x2 for pics of self!