new jack squeeks?


new driver
Why does my new jack squeek half way into raising car. Is this ok? Also when I raise it up about 10 inches, it seems like its going to slip! The wheels make it move inward a bit suddenly. Is that normal? Max height of jack is like 12 inches but i need it to go near max cause the jackstand is 10 inch lowest height. I dunno how safe this is. Any help appreciated.

I kno this is kinda noob question...



Unregistered User
it moves in because the jack doesnt lift strait up and it's re-centering itself.

my guess on the squeak is that its the jack right before it moves forward. Kinda like a stress releaf.

If you really arent comfortable with it, take it back and get it exchanged. They should understand your concern


new driver
thanks kutcha boy. funny name btw..makes me laugh every time :)

ill have some one check out the squeek. wee.