New Integra and Question!


New Member
I just bought a 1991 Integra ls this past weekend. Clean title, 160k miles, and runs pretty good. I have one question, can somebody identify these wheels for me? The past owner didn't know what they were. Thank you :lol:



New Member
Thanks dude. I paid 1100 for it. I have to put a new axle on today. How much of a bitch is that going to be?


Active Member
I just saw a set of wheels like that yesterday except silver. I forget what they're called. Clean teg tho.


New Member
Axles are pretty easy to install as long as you have the tools you need, car looks nice though. I miss my old white one sometimes. Sorry, I can't help with the wheels ID though.


New Member
Thanks for the compliments! I did take the wheel off earlier when I changed the axle and there's no markings. So they're just some knock offs. Oh well they look nice!