New exhaust = Pics !


I ♥ My Integra
*Update* New exhaust = Pics+ Vid !

So i just got an apexi n1 catback today and installed it and it looks great love the angle to it. I just had one question to fellow n1 owners, the guy i bought it from never installed it and it was brand new and it came with the silencer in the muffler already and he said he never even took it out but i cant get it out. its like stuck or something so if anybody has any advice on how i can yank the silencer off please let me know. And on to the pics !

Old Skunk2

New Apexi N1

Sound Clip Yay ! Dont mind Stewey my skeleton finally broke off :(
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Second Glance
Looks good.. I say turn the car on and rev it a couple times.. it'll prob shoot out.. if not prob gonna have to vice grip it out... good luck


I ♥ My Integra
samace_sg said:
Looks good.. I say turn the car on and rev it a couple times.. it'll prob shoot out.. if not prob gonna have to vice grip it out... good luck
Haha that made me laugh :lol: i have been trying for lika an hour but the shit wont move ! Oh BTW OBD1 they are Toyos.


I ♥ My Integra
Fiinally i got that fucking silencer off ! i put a bike chain in there and started yanking. Fucker came out flying at me lol


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
looks like mine......just no angle


I ♥ My Integra
it is ALOT louder than my Skunk2. althoguh my skunk2 had a deeper tone to it the apexi is louder but still has a nice growl and looks sick as fuck !

Ominous G2

I dont think it looks bad at all, but your exhaust guard died. You should have fed it more often.


I ♥ My Integra
Ominous G2 said:
I dont think it looks bad at all, but your exhaust guard died. You should have fed it more often.
Haha at first i was like what the hell is he talking about ? Then rememberd the skeleton lol it made me laugh.