New DA owner from the Sunshine State


New Member
Heyo. My name is James. Just purchased a DA a few weeks ago as a little project car.
You name it she needs it. Lots of work ahead of me, but that is why i picked up.

Here are some pics



New Member
hey man not a bad lookin teg you got there. what kind of future plans do you have for it? good luck with the project and welcome to ci


New Member
Thanks for the welcomes. I live in New Smyrna, wich is pretty much Daytona beach.
Well i got it running after a basic tune up. Motor has high miles, but was rebuilt by PO, and runs really strong.
3 gear synchro grinds a bit so gonna have to drop the tranny eventually but as of right now, im piecing the interior back together luckily there is a decent DA at my local upull it that im able to score alot of trim from, some of the interior trim was painted very badly, most i have out of the car and will be prepping and painting this weekend. But the first order of business is the suspension. Needs new wheel bearings, and a master bushing kit. Then will be collecting parts for future drop. She is 4x4 mode right now. OH and i really want to do a 5 lug swap soon. Will be doing alot of body work this year too while i collect suspension parts.
