New and Improved!


Senior Member
just took this old, extra valve cover and decide to restore it! what do you think? (only the second one i have painted so go easy)


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Well-Known Member
Not worried about your garage floor having a giant blue mark huh? lol. Not bad but I think you should have sprayed the lettering, then sanded the raised areas to remove the paint. The uneven edges along the hondamotorco section make it look a little amateurish.


Senior Member
lol its a piece of cardboard, and yeah your right i think i might go back and touch it up a bit. you said i should just paint he letters or the honda logo too? thx


Jointhe Wingless Movement
Not worried about your garage floor having a giant blue mark huh? lol. Not bad but I think you should have sprayed the lettering, then sanded the raised areas to remove the paint. The uneven edges along the hondamotorco section make it look a little amateurish.
For one its on a cardboard box :lol:. Anyways it doesn't look to bad but I agree that you should have painted all of it then sanded the raised parts. but for the most part it looks pretty good

Damn hamfacekilla beat me to it lol


Senior Member
oh that's how you paint everything but the raised you just sand it duh lol i really never thought of doing that im dumb lol ill post pics once i fix that little mistake. thanks guys
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Well-Known Member
LOL i cant believe I missed that. I didnt even notice the little ridges from the cardboard. haha. Be careful when you sand down the lettering. You want to make sure its cured enough so that any dust/ particles from sanding dont end up sticking to the paint.


Senior Member
oh for sure i painted it today and im not gonna sand it until 2maro so no worries thx for the advise tho


Senior Member
BTW nice intake i do like lol do you have any more pics that are more detailed i wanna see how your intake is set up


New Member
nice painting how many time u went over it? what paint u using to get that shinny color? and hey hamfacekilla is that a ebay strut? how did u fit that on ur da?


Senior Member
thx and i went over it a few times about 4 or 5 to make sure it does not chip later on, i got some automotive paint from walmart, the reason its so shiny is cuz i sanded it to bare metal, and as far the strut goes yes it is an ebay strut and it works very well, it toook a little messing with to make fit (move the fuse box a little)

Here are some updated pics of the cover i touched up the emblem and letters let me know what you think (painted over the letters then sanded the rise)
