LSVTECs are decent when theyre built all motor. There have been some reliability issues, but by and large, theyre not too bad. Granted, I HATE lsvtecs. I think that a bottom end made to rev to 6700 and a head that doesnt make power until 5000 doesnt make a great combination, leaving you with a 1700rpm powerband, give or take.
But when you at boost into the mixture, its a recipe for disaster. VTEC is actually counterproductive to boost, and the only real advantage that a VTEC head has over a B18B one is that it flows way better, and creates a smaller combustion chamber, and thus, higher compression. Lets think about that. Higher compression in itself is a bad thing- the low compression of the B18B is one of the main reasons it is so favorable to boost. Add in the disadvantages of VTEC + Boost, and subtract the better flow characteristics. One step forward, two steps back. It costs around $800 to slap a vtec head on an LS block ($500 head, $200 golden eagle kit, $75 head gasket). For that $800, you could take the LS head and have it ported and polished, 5 angle valve job, all new valve seals and install oversized valves. For a bit more, you could upgrade the valvetrain and raise the redline, or get turbo cams (not really nessecary though). From a monetary AND practicality point of view- the VTEC head on a turboed B18B block is not a great choice.