need some more help from you all


I have decided that I am going to fabricate all of the fabric of the interior of my G1.

Im going for an all factory look, here are all of the following steps im going to take not in order.

Step one:
Find the dash pieces that I need which include getting the glove box with latch and the Heater control cluster

Step two find a fabric that closely matches the factory interior

step three cut the fabric for the carpet

step four remove all of the trim from the car

Step 5 remove the carpet

Step 6, make cuts for all of the seat bolts, and belts.

Step 7, use spray adhesive to stick the carpet to the floorboards

Step 8, cut fabric for the seats

Step 9 remove old seat fabric

Step 10 Stitch new fabric to the seats

Step 11 Mount the seats to the car

Step 12 Cut fabric for door panels

Step 13 replace door panel fabric

Step 14 Replace seat belts so that there are no more issues with the rips and tears in it

Step 15 Replace dash.

Step 16 hard wire blue LED lights under the seats, under the dash, and small blue lights in the ash tray for me and my fiance to see it better

Step 17: Wire two toggle switches mounted to the dash, one for the amp, one for the lights

Now for the help I need, is there anything else I should do while ive got the interior stripped out of my integra.


New Member
I would probably spray the inside after your stripped it with some kind of cheap rhino lined knock off or soemthing like anti rust paint.

I wouldnt put a bunch of blue leds throughout the car in my personal opinion.. it just looks dumb to me and doesnt have a purpose other then to mess with your peripheral vision while your driving at night. Again just an opinion

I I dont see the point in putting in a toggle switch for the lights when you could just hook them up correctly. And DONT hook up a toggle switch to your amp. Again, pointless and unless you use a really high powered switch you run the chance of burning the amp or just the switch. Most likely nothing to worry about if you use a small 300 watt amp, but will still take a high powered switch.