Need some help pls


New Member
hey everyone! my integra is acting up well not really it drives fine starts up fine but i think i need to replace my headgasket because here is my issue, i have owned the car for 2 months already and filled the coolant twice when i start the car every once and a while white smoke will come out the exhaust, then when i drive it doesnt happen but then when im at a stop idling it does it sometime


New Member
next time smell the exhaust if it smells sweet your burning coolant... Just dont kill your self haha but you can also pull the spark plugs and see if theres any coolant it the cylinders


New Member
there is a couple ways to check if ur head gasket is blown. check your oil first and see if its a milky color. this means coolent is goin into ur oil pan. Another way to check would be to remove the rad cap and see if exhaust is comin thru ur coolent Via exhaust air bubbles, there is also a tester u can get from local auto parts stores that can test for the presence of exhaust gas. usally with a blown head gasket/ cracked head u will have a loss in power as well.