Need help with some issues


New Member
Love my integra 92 GS coupe white Auto
so im having a couple issues

1) the car runs awesome, but when the fan kicks in it the car vibrates quite a bit

2) when I put the car into park, i have to wait for the "P" to light up before i can take the key out, it takes around 20-30 seconds before it lights up and then i can remove the key

3) After driving the car a little hard the d3 light flashes and i cant start the car, but after a 10 minute rest it starts right up and the d3 doesnt flash

are these easy fixes?


I believe the flashing "D3" is a trouble code..

When you say the fan, did you mean the engine's fan or the interior fan?


A broken fan blade would cause a bad vibration. (Because the fan would be off-balance.)

However, I don't feel that ANY vibration from an electric fan could be felt anywhere except near the fan. I mean I could be wrong.. but it just doesn't seem heavy enough to vibrate the whole car.. maybe the problem lies elsewhere.


New Member
I have that same problem, #2, with my 92 integra. I live in wisconsin and in the winter it can take up to fives minutes to be able to pull the key out. If you find out what it is please publish it.