Need help with my gsr da


New Member
I got a 90 da wit a 94 gsr swap and just had to put a new trans In. Its shutting off every time the car gets to normal on the temp gauge and when it shuts off if I let it cool down it will start right back up.

I heard it could be a bad cat or my distributer parts are getting to hot idk I need help

Also my oil light coming on but I have oil on the dip so is it a bad oil pump to?? I gotta get it running so. Anyone help thanks.


It could be that your oil sensor is bad. It's to the left of your oil filter.

As for shutting off at operating temperature.. that's a completely new problem to me. Not sure bud.
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Unregistered User
I've heard of that problem before, but I can't remember what we did to fix it...

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New Member
Well if you could try to remember or find out I'd greatly appreciate it
