Need help with diagnosing problems..


New Member
So, when I'm in like 4th or 5th gear and i push the pedal to the floor it makes this deep rattling noise like something is loose, but I have checked and nothing is loose.

Also, When I start my car.. it bogs at about 100 rpms ad then starts if I hold the gas pedal to the floor or if I keep pressing on the gas pedal.



"Gap Sissy"
is it a actual rattling or does it just sound like its bogging because i used to have a similar problem except for the whole starting part and i just replaced the cap rotor button and fuel filter and it stopped


New Member
It rattles. My brother thought maybe an exhaust manifold bolt is loose butI have checked everything and there snug so I dont know.

I have replaced the fuel filter and have a brand new distributor.