Need help tranny issue


New Member
Hello my name is Heath. My brother has a 91 Integra. I was driving it one day and the front end locked up at about 45 mph. I almost got rearended and hit a curb. I need to know where to start. The transmission is stuck in third no matter where you put the shifter. I am not new to doing work myself so rebuilding the tranny is not a problem. Any help would be great thanks.


New Member
35 views and not one response? I guess if it's not about rims or how fast it will go no one cares!!! Thanks for the help guys.


New Member
Before you go being a smart-ass, maybe you should re-read your question and make sure it is clear what you are asking.

Where to start?

Did you make sure your shift linkage and change holder are still attached to the transmission?
If yes, remove them. Remove your axles and intermediate shaft and remove the transmission. Open transmission and survey the damage. Replace the bad parts, fix your 3rd-4th shifter fork because that is probably why it won't come out of gear and the bit that fell off (the actual fork bit) is probably what locked up the transmission.