??Need Help on a good stereo?? Something light


New Member
Im looking for a good brand of stereo for my integra but nothing heavy.
But I want it to sound good. Im not a fan of a loud stereo type thing
I need help knowing what to buy: Stereo brand and the whole package but something light



How you like my v-tec?
Light!? Light in weight? or Light as in light on the pocket area? haha.
If you mean light in weight then you don't want any subs. I would say to get some cheap subs that would be light, but what's the point...they'll sound like crap. You can get away with just 6x9's in the back and Componet speakers in the front. A nice Head Unit [i like Pioneer] and an amp to give you some extra juice. For a quality sounding system that would be the least you want to do as far as making it light. NO SUBS. The best subs are always going to be pretty heavy because it primarily depends on the magnet. For the speakers I would go with a Bose set-up. They give great sound while being pretty light in the magnet area of their speakers.


Super Duper Moderator
For head units, I swear by Alpine.
Maybe a 5 or 6 channel amp would be best for you, if you want a sub. A small sub wouldn't be so bad, since you don't desire a ton of bass it sounds like a good choice for you, just a single 8 or 10 inch sub. To me, no system is truly complete without a sub.

To drop weight in my own car, I bought a single 6 channel amp, and downsized from a 12 to a 10 inch sub. Instead of a 4 ch. and a 2 ch. amp with a 12 inch sub.
For amps, I like Precision Power, but only older precision Power (manufactured in 2003 and older, before they were bought by DEI).

Like THIS one from 1997/1998.

Or THIS sexy beast from 2000.

Or THIS one from 2002/2003.

That 2000 amp is so sweet, I might buy it if it didn't have a button that fell off.


New Member
I would find a good pioneer unit its about 50 watts so you realy don't have to put an amp on it, as for speakers
Q audio makes good speakers but you can check others out as well As for a deck stay pioneer,(trust me)