Need Articles!


As most of you know I have created a How To/ DIY list for CI. Let me know if you have any articles that are NOT on the list already. Try to keep it to CLUB-INTEGRA articles only. You do not have to be the author of the article, so long as it's on ClubIntegra, we're simply linking to the article.

If you want to write an article, let me know and i'll PM you some idea's.

If you have a good article on a topic that you think should be on the list but it's NOT a Club-Integra article, let me know- I will add it to the section made for articles off-site.

And as always, you can PM me or post here, or the actual list.


Anything and everything bud. :thumbs up

I might write one for an alarm install. But any electronic related ones are good. Just anything you can think of. We need more suspension related How-To's if anyone is planning some upgrades. I feel I might need to make another one for that, because my springs are in the mail lol.

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(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
You mean a guide with a link to all the parts you sell? I'm already sold! Just no valve covers please
