NCRC:Thunderhill HPDE 02/11/2012


Yolo Whippin'
Lets start out the 2012 HPDE season off with Thunderhill home of the NASA 25 hours of Thunderhill. We will be running with NCRC, Northern California Racing Club. They do an amazing job of organizing everything from drivers meeting to keeping everything running on time. They also do something neat which is the "lottery session" which is given to the group which lost the most track time due to red flags or people needing a tow etc. This is something which is a NCRC original as even Speed Ventures dont do this. So lets start off the new year with an awesome track! This will also probably be the venue for the Feb Nor Cal meet.

Where Thunderhill

Racing Organization NCRC: Northern California Racing Club

Open track: $125
Chrono Series $130

What Experience do I Need? At least one track day experience

Track Configuration
CCW Bypass Configuration (we will not run turn 5 (cyclone) instead we will use the greyed out line

Run Group Guidelines
The following will outline which class you will enter, under each class name will be the type of passing then the requirements for the class.

-Wheel to wheel racing, under "gentleman's rules" - no contact allowed
-Previous racing experience, race license with no suspensions, or approval from ARC management
Chrono Time Trial
-Full track mandatory passing with no point-by
-point-by 8+ track days experience (Point-By or Open equivalent). Point-By drivers must drive with colored tag on rear of car to signal other drivers.
-Full track mandatory passing with no point-by
-20+ Track days experience in a car, or 15 track days with race or driving school background
Point By
-Full track mandatory passing with point-by
-8-20 Track days experience in a car, on multiple tracks
-Mandatory passing on straights with point-by, optional passing in some turns
-1-7 Previous track days experience in a car

Please note driving school is not available at this event

Driving Directions
Thunderhill Raceway Park is conveniently located at 5250 Hwy 162, Willows California 95988
If you are traveling North from Sacramento or the Bay Area, please take Interstate 5 North to the main Willows exit. Go left over the freeway and proceed West 7 miles to the track entrance on the right. If you are traveling South on Interstate 5 from Northern California or Oregon, we are located 1 hour South of Redding. Again take the main Willows exit, turn right and go West 7 miles to the track entrance on your right.

Shoot me a PM if you have questions.

1. Samurai Blue


I need a day of experience? Da fuck? I can't go and watch you guys race, I'll die of alcohol poisoning and probably die in jail


I can't, I get irritated when people are racing without me. It's literally like a crackhead when he hasn't smoked for a day and everyone is blowing crack smoke around him. When I went to the practice session at Infineon I just got hammered the whole time because I was so cunting depressed I wasn't on the track


Tire and Wheel Specialist
shit i would but thats some fucked shit havin to get track experience... but understandable. along with price ofcourse.


Yolo Whippin'
RACELINE is holding an event were you will be able to get track experience. However, i dont suggest doing an intermediate run group with only 1 day track experience. Its really not fun. This track in particular is very very very very tricky for a novice driver and someone driving it around for the first time. So combining the two is pretty bad. Turns 7 and 5 are blind and there is a good chance of flipping your car on turn 5 with the wrong line. Turn 9 is similar to Lost Hill at Buttonwillow, but with more altitude change. Sector 3 (turn 9-15) is very complex and unlike the entire track up to that point you need to be very very very good on braking as you go into 10 as you carry speed from 9. 11-13 is very off camber and you do need to get on the brakes at the text book time to get a right line here.


Yolo Whippin'
Looks like a fun ass track! I want to try it out when the DC4 is up and running.
its fast and technical like WSIR and Button. There are alot of similarities between the two tracks. You need a lot of rhythm in the first few bits like wsir. But its also the most physical track ive driven. My shoulder was killing me in turn 3.