N00B wit Qs


New Member
Whats going on guys I got refered to this site to get my GSR info.
I plan on going to the dark side so to speak. But I wanna know what eggzactly can be done to the intergra. Such as proven combos and non such.
Also whats the best years to start wit. What engines can be swapped in. And so on all those newb questions I need to get schooled on Majorly. considering I am coming from the domestic side.
But i just happen to like how the 4 eye intergra looks. I wanna have a respectable import. So if theres any sites threads and etc that can help me learn the integra and how it works that would be great

Thanks in Advance


New Member
As for the best years to look for the newer ones people seem to like the best. 98+ are the ones that everyone is after. As for engines, ANY b-Series engine will fit without modification. THe ony one that I would want to sway into a GSR is a Type R motor. It is all a matter of preferance on how you can make a respectable GSR. you can make a GSR faster than a mustang fairly easily. You can go All Motor or Forced Induction. There are endless posibilitys what you can do with your car. If are machanicly inclined you can do all the stuff your self and save a ton of money. BTW welcome to the wonderfull world of High Revving Horsepower. Have Fun!!

PS There is a thread here the explains what VTEC is. So you might want to look at that. It is the Performance Section.


Money Getter
WELCOME my fellow connecticutian .... keet the rev high and may the force be with you