N00b- my Integra


New Member
I'm new to this forum and to Honda's/Acura's i just got a 98' Integra GS here are a few pictures of it so far it's pretty stock besides an intake and the custom paint i got the second day after i bought it. it had some sun damage,(it was the Stock GSRgreen color) now its that color with more flake so when u look at it in some light it looks blueish.. i was just wondering of any idea's you guys might have that i should do to it, i'll stop rambling and let you look at it...

So my pic's arn't showing up i was just wondering if anyone can help me out with that.. if you want to check it out tell i figure out how to post the pics onto the thread, i guess just check out my garage.. thanks
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Grand Sport
What do you want to do?

My typical response to questions like this is, "beef up the suspension," but that's me. I like to drive fast around corners but not everyone does.

Do what you want, it's your car.


New Member
Yea, i know i want to get a pretty good suspension and some nicer wheels than the stock alloy snowflake rims that are on there... so ya i posted the pics like it says by putting the url where the pics are posted but still didn't work am i doing something wrong?
I Really just want to show it off to ya guys..

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New Member
Thanks i'm glad to be here. i have my pictures hosted on my, myspace site.you are saying i should use Photobucket?


New Member

here hopefully this will work... i just got a cheap suspension from a buddy of mine i should have it on by thursday when i'm off. hopefully by summertime i will having this teg look just like a wanna be type r..


New Member
Thank ya, the idea's i've come up with so far are gold spun rims http://www.spunwheels.net/images/sw909glcloseup.jpg

take the car to the Type R hight maybe a little bit lower but i don't want it DUMPED by any means.. but like i said hopefully like i said a couple of post up that i hope for it to be done by the begging of the summer.. and so far I only got 3,320 dollars into it and that's with the paint job so really that isn't bad if ask me. prob like close to 5,000 when im done though


hey nice teg...since your new to the scene, you probably didnt notice your emblems are upside down? im guessing that was done by the shop that painted it? i kept looking at the pic trying to figure out what was wrong.