My opponent


my friend micahel:

2002 k20a3 N/A mods
runs 14.6 @ 94mph

here's a vid of him running a TC
^^^^^^^ VID ^^^^^^^ VID^^^^^^^^^^^

description of race from my friend

"we had 4 runs.
1st run (from a dig) - i cant launch worth shit with my shitty tires (Barum tires) on my 05 type s rims. so he got a jump on me....but i still pulled on him.

2nd run (from a 40 roll) - i pulled and shut down around 110mph.

3rd run (from a dig again) - i had a better launch this time...but it was still shitty cuz i wasnt ready at the time and still pulled on him.

4th run (from a 60 roll) - i pulled shut down around 125mph.

i think i pulled from anywhere from a 2 cars to a buslength and kept pulling.... so good kills."

gonna race him in a month or less when i get my surpise in.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
good vid, not up to date with my k series but is a k20a3 a base model? cause i think a type-s woulda totally murdered that tc.


Banned working on my launch, need new tires though, still running stock tires. and really important that i get my shifting together, my surpise cant allow me to have any miss shifts....gotta start now :roll: , if i can beat him i should be able to be a lightly modded type s


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha you might be able to dust your friend, but iono about a type-s, that 6th gear is krazyyyy. lol.

i'm guessing you're using that juice?


SilverDB8 said:
haha you might be able to dust your friend, but iono about a type-s, that 6th gear is krazyyyy. lol.

i'm guessing you're using that juice?
yep yep, but i've race couple times, i neva get into a 5 gear...i doubt they will even get into 6, usually shut it down around 120 - 130


prolly gonna use a 75shot, wit my curreny mods..i'm lil bit over 150whp..thats just gussing..cuz bases get bout 143 or something i forgot, a guy dynoed his stock base. with a 75 shot i should be in good condition to take on some lightly modded s. hopefully. its my goal :D
