Ya, im not the one that shaved everything...and id prefer stock tails as well, but... the car will get re-done and have a CF trunk lid. Thanks for the compliments on the lude.
And as far as the wife and daughter go's...yes, i have a 2 yr old daughter with a woman ive been with since i was 14 yrs old. no it wasn't by chioce, but i did what i had to do to take care of the situation. I wouldn't trade my little angel for anything in the world. And I don't ususally talk about all of this to a group of people that i don't know, but Im not sure what the hell you were trying to say. But I am and have been a damn good father and husband and my family has never done with-out. As a matter of fact, it was those two people right there that gave me the incentive to take my life where it is now. Instead of being in prison or dead, like most of the people i USED to associate with, Im now enlisted in the Air Force where even if I don't do 20+ years, ill be finishing the rest of my collage so I can continue to fufill my responsibility to my wife and daughter. So like I said, I'm not sure what point you were trying to make, but I can tell you now that you are way out of line if you ment that in any negative way. That does make me a little upset and I will leave this site (and I would hope you wouldn't take that as a threat...like who would really care?). But on the other hand, if you weren't trying to be an ass....then my sincere apoligies. I hope you can see where I'm coming from with all of this and I'm going to stop telling my life story now!