my gsr has no power


New Member
noob- i jus swapped my engine to a gsr and i have no power im not sure whats wrong with the car even wen i floor it goes no wer it takes forev to pick up speed even when v-tech hits it stil doesnt pull . can some oone please help ?


New Member
ls ecu chipped for v . and gsr trann yes did a tune .. thers also a winning noise when i drive but not wen im sitting still and revc it


New Member
the whinning could possibly be your trans gears making noise, exactly what causes it, why, or if thats really it i couldnt say. But have heard of whinning coming from the GSR trans b4.

Your best bet is to tell us what you have, like if it is a bone stock gsr, say that, cuz then we know what injectors you have so on. Its really hard for us to guess how your car is feeling you need to explain to us, what is making it feel slow. So try and give some better details. You can always try a retune, and obviously you got the motor used, so was it from a place with a start up promise? Maybe you have blown rings.
