My car starts then won't start again, please help


New Member
Hey guys for some reason my car keeps dieng or something i jumped it with jumper cables then i trned it off then turn it back on and it wont start why what is the problem? im thinkin its my altenator but then my lights wouldnt start at all? and if its my battery my lights wouldn come on either? and it cant be the starter because it starts when i jump it? please help


New Member
well, somehow start the car (jump it), then while the car is running disconnect the battery. if the car dies, most likely your problem is the alternator.


New Member
Well i figured out the problem now i pulled out the fuse for the interior lights cuz i beenhaving a problem with them and stuff and it been working ever since it has been draining thebattery i guess becaus ei jumped it and now it starts right up everytime so ig otta get that checked out and i heard if u disconnect the battery u can burn out the icu nd the computer or radio idk i heard a bunch of stuff like that so i stay away from that.


yeah i would stay away from disconnecting the battery cable while the car is on.
if your battery light isnt on, then i think you'll be alright. someone correct me if im wrong


New Member
well it started and i went out just now and it started so i turned it off listned to radio and wont start now so i think it is the radio which is draining it to or something i havent yet figured it out completly but i listened to the radio for like 5 min and tried to start again and it wouldnt crank so idk tommorow ima just dissconct the radio from the battery hopefully that will be the poblem cuz it is really annoying me now :(.


New Member
You have the radio wired directly to the battery?


New Member
well i thought tthere was one wire connected to it but it was the fan but there are like a bunch of wires taped together that are attatached to the batery but idk now its not strting again? i dont get how it would drain that quick it could be the batery it has to be..