My Car Is running rich??


Well-Known Member
Is you check engine light on?

Rich conditions is usually because of fouled spark plugs and/or a bad O2 sensor.


Yolo Whippin'
some times your header's o2 position may make it run rich as well


New Member
my check engine light is on... could it also be something to do with timing? or low fuel pressure?


1994 integra ls owner
my integra is running rich and is killing me on fuel, how can i fix it?
i also have a 94 integra and also have the same exact problem
i have been trying to figure it out for 2 days now and have come across two possible problems.
1.bad map sensor
2.bad o2 sensor
when i run a diagnostics soon and replace which ever one shows[god i hope one does]
i will reply on this post to let u knoo


Baller, yo
I have a 94 GSR, never had this issue.. however my fuel seems to want to last more than it should.. :l


1994 integra ls owner
OK, this is what fixed my car and may fix yours. check the hole in the throttle body where your maf sensor plugs into.
start by taking off your maf sensor, then you'll need to start the car, and put your finger on the hole. if there is suction your going to need a new sensor most likely. if there isn't any suction you may need to 1. get a new throttle body, or 2. clean out your current one.