my build "so far"


New Member
so this is my baby when i first got

I started makeing small mods right when i got it. I realize now i probaby should have started with my engin, but i didnt realy know much about that when i got it. its a learning process haha:roll:

carbon fiber dash kit

body kit

after i painted and added my new kit, i hate the front bumper

it came down to it and i figerd it was time for a new paint job, the paint on the hood was faded from the heat and the rest of the car was all scrached up.

AND finaly the new paint, not finished with the clear coat yet., Also i had to replace my front bumper bc i had cracked it when it scraped on the road, so i just orderd a lip and added it to the original bumper. i actualy like this look better

I have great plains for this car, im just getting started.
I have an electric supercharger on order, i know its not the best thing to get but im not looking to make it the best out there, it just has to work with me. Let me know what you think of what i have done so far, and let me know if you have any sugestion. Ps. im realy not to good at spelling dont judge :p
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I DON'T CONDONE THE USE OF A RETAIL BODY KITS. only when your body kit is MOLDED by ur 2 hands. then it MAY be okay for you,to rock a body kit,

but thats just what i think,


Damn, so the body kit is crap?
no, but just take a look at your car, it feels like its missing something look at the wheel welds, they look like they have really big gaps and look at ur exust. just looks like it dose not belong there some kits just have to be desingd for your car and i think you could have used the money in a better way...but thats just me

i posted my moddo some ware on tis page

looks good, have fun yet? whats nex? slam it? bag it? well what are your plans its your car have fun with it


its your car. do what you want to it its urs. just check out other cars and build URS. i love th cf in


New Member
i'm not fond of the kit either, i'd get a stock rear bumper and remove the sideskirts. since you seem to maybe like it though, you could always get a lip kit that goes the whole way around the car. some of them look real sexy. are you planning on any suspension mods or wheels?


I enjoy Integras.
I don't think the rear looks terrible, but I'm not a huge fan of the sides. They stick out a little far. I had a kit once, it didn't fit right, so i just sold it lol. Most people on here will tell you what Alyssa said, to just get a lip kit instead.

Supercharger sounds good though, and the paint looks great! :thumbs up


New Member
i'm not fond of the kit either, i'd get a stock rear bumper and remove the sideskirts. since you seem to maybe like it though, you could always get a lip kit that goes the whole way around the car. some of them look real sexy. are you planning on any suspension mods or wheels?
Im keeping the suspention like it it. If i lower it i wont be able to get around where i live il scrach my bumper all to hell. but i am plaining on getting rims, i dont want to go to big im thinking 16 but il prob just stick with the 15 bc i just got new tires and it would be a waist ! wooo shit the ups guy cam with my supercharger :D just now