my 98LS Tegg In Progress.


New Member
:smackself:smackself:smackselfSo I got my teg from my far i bought coilovers,wheels(not so happy with).sound sytem.KYB Shocks,it has 180k, had a hood and wasnt crashed,but shit happens,heres how it looks now,what do u guys think?i want to fix up, just need suggestions and input on good brands,parts,reliable online help me out.oh if ur in phx az and do body ,p.m i need a are some pics of how it looks now.










New Member
i think you already know what you need first..
fix your cosmetics, holla at your local craigslist/junk yards and see if you can find a bumper and headlights.
Why do you have 1 amber and 1 corner lights haha, get 2 amber ones

looks good thought other then the front! :thumbs up


New Member
trying not to but its my only car.yeah the body is the first thing getting done before any more mods.i think it looks kinda RICIE with those rims.and i think its about an inch too high.

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