mx6 4banger -> ????


New Member
im 16 at the moment and have a mazda mx6 4banger at the moment... to me having a nice car is one of the more important things...

people have told me about the integra type-r and GS-r and i was wondering if you guys think it would be a good second car to have and i have some questions first

-easy to maintain
-price of maintnence & performance parts

jsut tell me what you think about the idea (good/bad) of this car as a second car

im working with a set income though $200 for car (ive already takin out fun $, gas $, and insureance $)

any HELPFUL opionions are greatly appreciated


07 BMW 328Xi
ShinsenTuner said:
...Insurance is going to rape you son. lol
how much do you pay?

i pay 180 for 2 way. 8) but i wish it was lower but what can i do im still young.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out

-easy to maintain: depends on the previous owner and you..
-price of maintnence & performance parts: if you know where to go and what to get.. not "oo i like this ima buy it".. gotta look for the best price
-reliability: i think it all depends on how you take care of your car.. if you dog the shit out of it everyday its not gonna last...

these are just my opinions.. im 17 and i think i should just get an LS and upgrade to a GSR later on...


07 BMW 328Xi
you GSR haters! lol. i got mine when i was 16. im still glad with my choice. muahaha!


New and fresh.
JDM_Conversion said:
how much do you pay?

i pay 180 for 2 way. 8) but i wish it was lower but what can i do im still young.
..I don't have my license yet... so I don't know. But my dad is currently the name on the plates, he's paying I think 2800 a year for Full Coverage.. and thats with him being on that Step9 shit, clean driving record, no tickets ever, no accidents and an alarm system. I will find out how much I have to pay in like a couple of weeks though.


save a a porno
if you have the funds to be able to maintain both cars go for it, and welcome to the club


New Member
i definitely if you can do two cars why not.
i've had 2 since i was 18, but it was alot of working and alot of el cheapo times if you know what i mean, parents never helped me out so i'm very satisfied with where i am now today.

01ITR and 89S13(240 coupe)


07 BMW 328Xi
8urcivic said:
i bet you love that torque dont u
not really. haha. but atleast the VTEC makes up for it. remember GSRatedR w/o his? that was hilarious. i havent been beaten by an LS yet so im crossing my fingers that i dont get outdriven anytime soon.


New Member
y not a gs-r???? and i have a 45% discount on my insurance cause of good grades and some book i filled out..

how much power (horse and torque) does each put out and which is more reliable


New Member
got my gsr when i was 16 and i love's my baby and i treat it that way. All of my friends still make fun of me because i "never get on it" enough. I don't care it's my baby and i only use the power when i need to :lol: ....too bad the previous owner beat the shit out of it and now the rings are bad....sigh...o well at least it's in good hands now.


07 BMW 328Xi
got my gsr when i was 16 and i love's my baby and i treat it that way. All of my friends still make fun of me because i "never get on it" enough. I don't care it's my baby and i only use the power when i need to :lol: ....too bad the previous owner beat the shit out of it and now the rings are bad....sigh...o well at least it's in good hands now.
wooot! same here man. i don't beat the shit out of my car. but when i need to, i dont hold back. the previous owner was a ricer lol. she was a girl.