Must read security advice


New Member
did lots of research on security and always made it my first priority when i first got my gsr(sold), so sick to my stomach hearing about stolen cars..they tried once and failed

security should be your first priority over any mod, your a dum fuck getting rims and whateva and not working on your security first, especially if your car was purchosed privately, whos to say the previous owner dont have a key copy and alarm copy....

1) probably the best shit out there....dealing worldwide...a must i think

2)be careful what body/mechanic shops work on your car, never give them your real address, i always give a relatives address if i do go to a shop if they ask, alot of shady shop owners are paid off and give vital info about your car (key copies,copy alarm codes) to some scum bag

3) lojack is good but by the time u find your car missing its probably already stripped, so i recomend lojack with early warning detection (they call u to tell u your car has been moved improperly)...and not recomended to advertise that you have lojack, if u have one that is

4)when parking a car have the wheels turned all the way to the side, makes it more difficult for a tow truck to tow...

5)autolock (clutch lock) is good but they already have a tool that they sell to break it in less then a minute...

6) wheel lock is a fuckin joke...saw right thru the steering wheel then bam stolen. If u dont know about that then your an ass

7) pager alarm over a regular alarm duh,,,and get an alarm where the code cant be duplicated

3) be careful what u put up in a forum..example license plate number in pix etc..

6)probably a thief reading this right now soo...F%CK Y%U
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New Member
thats gonna be the very first thing i do when i get my teg.....the hunt continues...

Ominous G2

I think i want it on my Si more right now. She dosent have a garage :(


New Member
they quoated me like 450 for a teg...they have a installer come to u and do it right in the driveway/parking lot whateva to work with your schedule, takes 2-3 hours they said

Ominous G2

$450 isnt too bad, im in a different state closest is in md. Id be ok with going there.
