Motor that raises radio antenna...

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
What's the easiest way to turn this motor off besides cutting a wire from the radio. It annoys me so much cuz it comes up whenever I listen to a cd (don't listen to the radio anyway) and it's so damn big. I might get a fuba in the future, but for now I just wanna turn that motor off. Any one know?


Money Getter
open the trunk and remove the panel on the left side.
attached to the antenna is who wires a solid coax looking and a regular multi with assembly with connectors.

unplug the wires with the connectors ... done


grab it by the top piece once u turn on ur stero so it will raise up, gently with ur hand, pull gown on it at and angle until it breaks..then proceed to twist and bend it up, release all ur anger on it and finally throw it in ur neighbor's yard


The Transporter
MoJoJoJo said:
grab it by the top piece once u turn on ur stero so it will raise up, gently with ur hand, pull gown on it at and angle until it breaks..then proceed to twist and bend it up, release all ur anger on it and finally throw it in ur neighbor's yard
hahaha, YES. but i think ill put mine on ebay so i can buy the shark kit. free antenna upgrade. YES
