More visible links?


New Member
is there any way we can make the links more visible?

i just inserted a link in the sentense above, and i bet no one saw it... it'd be nice if the linked word was blue, or at least bold or something... just an idea.



Super Moderator
Whenever I post a link, i just change the color real quick to blue. That way it stands out so people can notice it and click it.


New Member
g3teg97 said:
Whenever I post a link, i just change the color real quick to blue. That way it stands out so people can notice it and click it.
true true. its just that i dont have to do that in other forums and thats why it bugs me

Ominous G2

I dont know if I can change it so all the links are a different color.


Super Duper Moderator
It's a good idea, most other forums make links stand out in some way. An underline, bold letters, different color, something. I'd like to see that change made too.