Mazda Guy Turned Honda...


New Member
Actually the title is a lie. I am still a die hard Mazda RX7 guy but now that my RX7 is borderline streetable (shooting flames attracts to much attention) I am looking for a DD. I am currently deployed but upon my return I will be buying a GSR. I don't really have big plans for it but to enjoy the power steering, air conditioning, and great gas mileage (something my RX7 can't give me). It looks like this site has an abundant source of information and I plan on using it. I don't want to ask any stupid questions so I will stick to researching on the forum. I have been autocrossing for quite some time now and plan on racing the GSR in a stock class. Anyways thats about it. Thanks.


Registered Abuser
if you are looking for good writeups, there is a link to quite a few in my signature (DIY LIST) but teami-integra really has all the good ones. if you are looking for people to talk to and not be shocked by their supreme douchery. you've come to the right place (for the most part :thumbs up)