The Transporter

Master List of Site Rules
General Etiquette Rules:
- Because clubintegra.com is an extremely large online community, many questions have already been asked and answered sometime in the past. Before posting a new thread, click on the search button; there is a good chance that your question has already been asked before in an existing thread. If you have any questions about the search feature, please contact a member of the forums team.
- Clubintegra.com is split into many different sections and sub-sections to help organize threads. On the main forum page, short descriptions of each section can be found under the sections’ names. When posting a new thread, post in the forum that most closely relates to your question. This will ensure the quickest response. If a moderator must move your thread into the correct forum, you will probably not receive any responses until the thread is moved.
- Posting the same message in multiple sections (also known as "double posting" or "cross posting") is prohibited without the consent of a super moderator or administrator. If the content of your post spans multiple categories and you are unsure where to place it, contact a member of the forums team for assistance.
- Any off-topic posts and posts not contributing to the original topic at hand will be deleted at the administrators' or moderators' discretion. Please use the chat threads that are available in both the Lounge and the VIP Lounge sections for these types of discussions so we can avoid clutter throughout the site and making searching easier for our members.
- The creation of useless threads and replies for any reason, especially for increasing your post count ("post whoring"), is prohibited.
- Posting threads and or replies which portray illegal racing of any form in a positive or entertaining manner is strictly prohibited. Including videos.
- Be respectful of others at all times. The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. It is possible to disagree without being insulting.
- Personal attacks are prohibited. Commonly known as "flaming", personal attacks are posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another member. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit and will not be tolerated. Personal disputes should be settled through the forum’s private messaging system.
- Be tolerant of new members who are unfamiliar with how the forums are set up or with the search function. Instead of "newbie bashing", politely give them the information they are looking for, or do not respond at all.
- Profanity in thread titles, signatures, or public profile options is prohibited. Profanity within posts will be censored.
- You may only have one user account. If you need a second because you forgot your password, contact a moderator immediately after creating the second account If you want your name changed, PM an administrator.
- You are not allowed to advertise or sell a commercial product/service without becoming a site sponsor. Please send Jay Jay a pm for information on how you can become a site sponsor (deletion of thread and possible banning if it is seen as spam).
- Signatures and avatars must be work-safe.
- If there is a problem with a post click the
General Rules For Selling:
General Rules For Competing in ROTM and ROTY: