Mall Shooting...8 killed...GRRRR!!! rant!


The link:;_ylt=Aswe_WuNGb4QFwfZN_0uUhFvzwcF

I know we've covered stories like this before, but fuck. This one REALLY pisses me off. Maybe it's because of the holiday season , maybe it's because of the suicide note they say he left, maybe it's just because it was such a fucking selfish act...I don't know. Calling him a 'coward' would be SUCH an understatement! I can give two shits if he was depressed, whatever. They have fucking medicine for that shit now.

He recently broke up with his gf and lost his job, according to the news. Ummmmm...I've read that he worked at McDonald's before. I mean, seriously???? He COULDN'T get another job better than that one afterwards? It's probably best that he did kill himself then. I usually don't say crap like that. He deserved to die.

He killed eight people, before turning the gun on himself, though. What a fucking fag! I DO NOT understand how anyone could do that!!

Do me a favor...if anyone reading this is thinking about doing what he did, just save everyone the trouble and kill yourself right now.

In his suicide note, the news reported that he said something along the lines of, "I'm sorry for everything. I won't be a burden anymore. Now I'm going to be famous."

Good job, pussy. Way to live your life. If I could bring this motherfucker back from the dead and kill him again, I would. He didn't even stop to think about the victims and all the family, friends, and loved ones they've left behind whose lives will change dramatically after this. I bet this Christmas time will be a sad one for them all.

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New Member
god, kids are such homos these days,say one thing wrong or make the wrong move and you can end up dead. i wish someone woulda spanked the shit out of this kid when he was a lil kid and maybe then he'd have some fuckin sense in his brain. and where in the hell does a teenager get an AK-47 and why would anyone sell it to a civilian its just stupid. i agree, dumb people like this should just drive a car off a cliff and save everyone else grief,just make sure it aint a honda youre killin yourself in!


New Member
I feel the same way. Reminds me of the Virginia Tech Massacre.
off topic but KINDA funny thing that happened to me,

i use igotvtec16 as my email too and one night i was talkin to my ex online and her mom saw my addy and she thought that i had somethin to do with the Virginia Tech killings :shock: cus she saw I...GOT...VTEC...haha yea


Raceline USA
off topic but KINDA funny thing that happened to me,

i use igotvtec16 as my email too and one night i was talkin to my ex online and her mom saw my addy and she thought that i had somethin to do with the Virginia Tech killings :shock: cus she saw I...GOT...VTEC...haha yea
Messed up. Lol!


If the news would stop publishing all this bullshit it would happen alot less. Now we're giving more retarted kids ideas to go out and try to be famous.


Second Glance
yeah definately, the news needs to stop making "celebrities" out of these freaks, as crazy as that sounds its true...Now I gotta watch my back at the mall too? WTF...i blame Emo's


the dude got fired from McDonalds for stealing money. Maybe he felt stupid.

But i totally agree. What a cowardly thing to do. "Now i wont be a burden." If thats REALLY how he felt he would have just killed himself, not innocent holiday shoppers. The irony is extraordinary, these people are shopping to GIVE and this fool just TAKES EVERYTHING AWAY.

GAH im not gonna sit and bitch, its useless.

BTW i was at the scene of the VT massacre, i saw where students who jumped would have landed. I saw the headstones. It was pretty surreal. I couldnt imagine how i would feel if i was there, or even on campus that day. I now own a piece of Hokie stone from Norris Hall.


Im in a band DO ME!!!!!
I would love to say i care......but i dont....if i cared this time i'd have to care the next million times its gonna happen....people die everyday....he's a poonaner for doin it....but alive so yeah.