Maintenance Required Light is constant...


New Member
hey guys...i know this might be a stupid question but i just wanted a general idea of what could possible be wrong...i have a 99 integra LS and i am getting a steady llight of "maintenance req."...if anyone else has encountered this problem, what was the cause of it?..i know it could be many things, but i was wondering where the main problems were and where i can start looking...thanks...

Vistec R

New Member
maluskeeter said:
hey guys...i know this might be a stupid question but i just wanted a general idea of what could possible be wrong...i have a 99 integra LS and i am getting a steady llight of "maintenance req."...if anyone else has encountered this problem, what was the cause of it?..i know it could be many things, but i was wondering where the main problems were and where i can start looking...thanks...
I have the same problem did oil change change filter,wires,spark plugs and shit still on. is there a reset button? also my ABS light is on too


New Member
The Mantinence Required light is a timed light that comes on. There is a little black button under the steering column press and hold that for like 5 seconds when the key is in the run position.


Super Duper Moderator
That light does come on at set intervals, even if nothing is wrong. It's to remind you to perfom regular maintenance on the car. The reset button for it is actually blue in a black box, underneath the panel under the steering column, slightly to the right. It's a square button.
To reset the maintenance required light:
-Turn the ignition on, but don't start the car.
-Hold the reset button down until the maintenance required light goes off, it'll take a few seconds.
-Turn the ignition off.

That's it.


New Member
man this looking everyhwhere for this...i have a 99 integra ls...i see the fuse box and im looking under the steering wheel but i dont see a black it underneath something?? it near the fuse box or on the other side??...


token ex-mod
it's underneath the steering wheel below the dash, INCREDIBLY easy to see......


New Member
Todd said:
it's underneath the steering wheel below the dash, INCREDIBLY easy to see......
Yeah get your head under the black with a green button...


New Member
yea thats the fun button, when girls see it they panic lol

i tell them that they have been driving bad and the smart acura ecu is telling them they cant drive.


New Member
Nothing should be unscrewed. Lie on your back in your drivers seat and stick your head where the petals are and look where the dash ends. Almost directly in line with the steering wheel there will be a little black box about 1" by 1' that is a button. Press it for 5 sec. with the key in the run position. The light should turn off.

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New Member
lol..aite i finally found it..i was lookin in the wrong guys are awesome, thanks for the pic and the help...


dc2nr said:
yea thats the fun button, when girls see it they panic lol

i tell them that they have been driving bad and the smart acura ecu is telling them they cant drive.
hahahhah hahhahahahah... hahahahhahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! otflmmfao


New Member
the button is right under the plastic cover the goes under the steering colum its a black lkittle box with a little square blue botton get under there with a flash light and u can clearly see it..