magnetic car bra


New Member
anyone ever ordered one of these and used them????

I hate getting rock chips and shit on my hood and was thinking about getting one of these. If someone has use these.....what's your experience with them???


Registered Abuser
interesting idea, but none of my rock chips are actually in the area that even covers soo...


New Member
Bra's will stop rock chips but will also cover the paint. and what i mean is if your paint fades over time the paint under the bra wont. a bra will also destroy the paint under where it wraps around the fenders (or the hood if you get one for the tip of the hood) ive seen friends Tegs with bras on and after a few months it got worn and he decided to take it off well when he did it had turned parts of his paint black of wore into it.


why not just get a normal bra :what: But I've only seen one teg with a bra that I like and that's coys


Active Member
Bras can already destroy paint. Didn't look at that, but the sound of a magnetic bra.... hurts. Can't imagine how bad That would ruin your paintjob.