ls/vtec rebuild. help plz


New Member
I really need some help. im trying to find all the parts to rebuild a ls/vtec online but am having trouble. can someone maybe make me a list of what i need to change to fully rebuild my engine and make it a ls/vtec. i dont know what part brands or companys are good and what a good price range to set for myself is. im very knew to this stuff. looking to make this my first rebuild and would like some peoples help


New Member
honestly do you have an idea of what you are doing?
cuz my story is this i got my car and ran my car stock for a while.
i read books and just said i could do this but
i was on a budget and i had a blown head gasket. i bought a gsr head and then
one day i decided to just rebuild a block i had
i went with cheap stuff so that if i failed i wouldnt mind the money i put
in. so a month and a half later i have a fully built ls/vtec =] and with cheap brands lol


New Member
yeah i know what im doing. i just have never bought parts for a rebuild. i more or less wanna know what part brands are cheap or good. what brands did you use? im just stuck at the part where idk what to buy or where to find it at


Yolo Whippin'
If you knew what you were doing, then the choice is obvious:
1) go to home depot and make make a LS vtec kit
2) Golden Eagle Ls Vtec conversion kit

as for gaskets, they are all pretty much the same, acl bearings, and NPR, Hastings, or Honda


New Member
ha i meant like the work. like i knew what i was doing. not the parts needed. ive taken apart engines at my school and a friends, but never a integra engine and thats what i meant by i knew what i was doing. just not what i need. make sense? thanks for your input by the way i appreciate it