LS vs EX???

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New Member
Hey all I know its a stupid question but ill ask anyway I have a 1990 LS with I/H/E and I got a buddy who has a 1994 ex coupe with I/H/E everything else is stock on both cars and he swears that he would rape me in the quarter ice never worked with the single cams so I'm not sure the outcome but there may be a money wager on it so what r ur guys opinions lol I have way more seat time then him, o and both with street tires!


Jointhe Wingless Movement
I would think a B series would win... unless he has a big spoiler and clear tails... then its all over lol jk


teg driver
that is a no contest win for you... put 200 down and say you'll run him all night... just make sure he isnt hustling you and he only has I/H/E...

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