Lower Radiator Hose Rubbing


New Member
Well a few months ago the teg was pouring coolant everywhere, and it turned out my lower radiator hose had a big hole in one side. So i put in a replacement from Autozone. I found that it was rubbing on this one corner in the engine bay, so I sort of rigged it with a big pad (1/4") of duct tape and put that on the new hose where it rubbed. I checked it again today, and the tape has already been bored through. I grabbed some pics and I'm wondering if someone could help me out. Is the hose situated wrong? Am I missing a bracket or something? Thanks


btw 97 GSR coupe


the duct tape probably isnt the best way to go considering the heat. maybe try some red ruber. ill check out my engine bay later to see if there is a bracket.

crzy azn

is crzy
i just took a peak under the hood of my 96 ls..the hose should be situated agaist that line comming out of your tranny. it should fit perfectly and "hold" the hose away from that bracket thing.

EDIT: have some pics for ya.. please escuse my nasty engine bay.

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i just checked mine. i have about an inch and a half to two inch gap from where that bracket is and where my lower rad. hose sits. you can't really tell in this pic, but that's about what it is.

are you sure the hose is positioned correctly? maybe they gave you the wrong part. :what: i have a good amount of clearance between where the hose is and where it's wearing on yours.


New Member
Well I just went and repositioned it so that its in the bend of that line your talking about crzy; the only thing is that to be there it cant be in the plastic hose guide (in your second to last and last pics). So I dont really know what I should do. Thanks