lol fake racing


wow... and he actually taped himself acting like that. we all do it we just dont let people know about it.


a.k.a. crabs!
nexgenintegra said:
wow... and he actually taped himself acting like that. we all do it we just dont let people know about it.
lol me and my one friend used to do that... only with invisible cars... and back in high school. we would both be walking through the hallways making all the typical racing sound effects and shit. ohhh man... good times... :lol:

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
teg9five said:
lol me and my one friend used to do that... only with invisible cars... and back in high school. we would both be walking through the hallways making all the typical racing sound effects and shit. ohhh man... good times... :lol:
dude holy shit me and my friends do that all the time... the F1 pass is the most used... NNNNNNNNYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...... haha


a.k.a. crabs!
lol yeah be we would always race side by side and shit so it would only ever sound like that when we were actually going by people i guess? lol. but yeah he ALWAYS drove a skyline and i tended to switch car from a skyline to a blown 69 camaro lol.we were losers but it was fun :thumbs up


a.k.a. crabs!
MidniteFreedom said:
repost! itrain post awhile back =) btw the vtec he did was awsome!
oh well... i dont get a chance to watch vids too often with 56k :what:

but yeah i cracked up when he hit vtec. and the wheel hop and shit on his launch lol