Little help finding a part number plz


New Member
I am looking for a OEM clutch master cylinder reservoir cap for a '96 Teg and I cant seem to find one online. I am willing to just buy the new cap if the price isn't ridiculous just to save the hassle of going to junkyards. Anyone know where I can get me one of these? If it matters, I'm in OR, USA.
Thank you!


not a n00b
you won't be able to get just the cap, it will come as the cap/reservoir combo. if you want that part number i will get it for you, but yes you will pay out the ass.


New Member
Thanks for your help, after talking with a guy at a acura dealership he said that it was a special order thing to get the cap and that it costs $21.50. Better be the best clutch reservoir cap in history. The town I am in is a couple hours away from the metro city area so the amount of integras nearby was probably slim, either way I needed the cap asap so I just had the acura people ship it to me. Thanks for your help tho.
