little fender dent!!!!!!


i was bringing back the mattress for my daughters bed at buy buy baby and it was pretty windy out come back outside and saw a cart leaned up against my car im like damn im gonna have a scratch now. pull the cart away and there is a nice size dent. thats when i lost it, i took the cart and i fuckin threw it as far as i could, everyone was lookin at me and i was cursing like crazy. my wifey calmed me down though, then i came up with a nice little scam. im goin to go to work and say at the end of the day that someone must have put a dent in my car and im going to see if i could get it paid for. well see what happens


Super Duper Moderator
Yeah, that happened to me once too. Came out to my car at the grocery store and there was a fucking cart rested up against the driver side of my rear bumper. Didn't dent because its plastic of course, but it scratched it up. I just looked up, gave the evil eye to everyone around me, gave the cart a good shove and sent it on down the parking lot, and left really pissed.


07 BMW 328Xi
nexgenintegra said:
i was bringing back the mattress for my daughters bed at buy buy baby and it was pretty windy out come back outside and saw a cart leaned up against my car im like damn im gonna have a scratch now. pull the cart away and there is a nice size dent. thats when i lost it, i took the cart and i fuckin threw it as far as i could, everyone was lookin at me and i was cursing like crazy. my wifey calmed me down though, then i came up with a nice little scam. im goin to go to work and say at the end of the day that someone must have put a dent in my car and im going to see if i could get it paid for. well see what happens
how far did the cart go? lol.


New Member
Damn, that sucks man. I had some old lady door ding me. I feel like an ass now, because I cursed out a 78 year old lady, haha. She gave me 2 bills, and i never bothered to get it fixed because im planning a JDM front. Still sucks though. Old people are more dangerous on the roads than kids are.

99teg LS

New Member
ppl have no respect! my shits all dented up from ppl opening there door into mine, and some asshole backed up into my front end! left a hitch and muffler dent in the bumper! fucked up.. i just got my new front end so it dont really matter now tho.. JDM :) but yea some ppl suck! makes me wanna shoot! :guns:


Rated R
99teg LS said:
ppl have no respect! my shits all dented up from ppl opening there door into mine, and some asshole backed up into my front end! left a hitch and muffler dent in the bumper! fucked up.. i just got my new front end so it dont really matter now tho.. JDM :) but yea some ppl suck! makes me wanna shoot! :guns:
that is so fackin tru. i used to have a del sol in highschool and every day i got out and went to my car there was another f-ing dent or scratch. now my integra is the sacrificial commute lamb that i take to the slaughter that is my college parking lot. its a vicious cycle i hope karma gets all them fother muckers.


GSratedR said:
that is so fackin tru. i used to have a del sol in highschool and every day i got out and went to my car there was another f-ing dent or scratch. now my integra is the sacrificial commute lamb that i take to the slaughter that is my college parking lot. its a vicious cycle i hope karma gets all them fother muckers.
hell yea i know how you feel. when i had my 200 accord (h22 swap) i always had some stupid scratch or dent on it, either from work or the dumbasses at my school. and now my altima is the same, and to make it worse, i have to park under this tree everyday at work and my car is covered with leaves, all inside the hood and the trunk, and especially inside the front fenders, that pisses me off sooo much


Unregistered User
damn! that sucks! I'd be so mad! of course, the paint off the cart might actually make my car look better, but if i had my car all prettied up, I'll probably end up getting a scratch in the first couple days... fuckers... lol


the lone outdoorsman
someone backed into my shit ... nice scrape on the rear bumper

not that it matters though .... 2 days after i bought the car it got keyed in my driveway,


JDM_Conv3rsion said:
how far did the cart go? lol.
2 miles.

but yeah...that's why i always make sure to push my cart into the designated cart area at the store lots. it upsets me when i try to pull into a parking space and there's a frickin cart there block my way because some asshole wanted to shave a few seconds off his life. or when i come out to my car and there's a cart righttttt next to it. inconsiderate RAWR


well one moto to this story is you could do wat i do wen i park in a lot with mad ppl.. i park sideways and take up to spaces and so does my boy wit the type-s. It gets us dirty looks and i had a few confrontations but mostly ppl cant hit ur shit unless they do it deliberatley.
BTW: i'm sure you all kno the worst outcome of this would be some1 keying the car or something ignorant.. but this hasnt happened to me yet lol


New Member
About two weeks ago i was driving by the exit to a gym, and this guy must have miscalculated the time it would take me to pass. he started to go and ended up clipping the rear end of me. this is a mark starting on the back tire all the way to the egde of the rear bumper. so thats about a foot. The guy knew he hit me because we both felt it and took off! i tried to turn around and catch his plate but the traffic was too bad. i was pretty pissed. and the worst part about it is that he broke one of the little clips and the bumper kinda sits funny now!

Thanks to cowards! how they dent and damage cars and flee like the scum that they are!