Lack of Power


07 BMW 328Xi
alright so for the past couple of days my car has been feeling kind of sluggish. it has 128K on it and gets tuned up every 2500 miles. hydrolocked once in the past. the problem is everytime i drive i start to hear a clicking. it's not coming from the belts because they were just changed awhile back. when i try to take a turn sometimes it feels like it doesnt want to go. fluids are all full also. i've been doing some research and came up with the possibility of a bent rod making the clicking.

i havent had any time to sit there and take apart everything because im constantly running errands and such. any input guys? the thought of the sleeves being scraped scares the shit out of me. :???:


Unregistered User
I don't think it sounds internal... check your CV joints or wheel bearings. it may also be time for a valve lash adjustment. Just a couple of idea's...

Just wondering, but what makes you think bent rod?


07 BMW 328Xi
its coming from the engine and that's all i came up with when i was researching. it sucks that i cant get it fixed this week because i have so much to do. i dont wanna prolong the situation either cause it may get worse.


Unregistered User
yeah, I know what you mean... Does it click at Idle?
EDIT: and fast? like keeping up with the engine?


07 BMW 328Xi
yes sir it clickity clicks at idle. and im not 100% sure about driving though because my exhaust has been releasing more noise than usual.


Unregistered User
:thumbs up

If you can check (or get someone to check) your valve lash it might help you out. Your car at 128K its probably about due.

Valve Lash is the gap between the cam lobe and the rocker arm, then rocker arm to valve. This should be very minimal to decrease wear on parts like your cam itself, valves, the rocker arms, and just head components in general.
It could be that they are just out of adjustment. That can hurt your preformance too.

I found this site a while ago if you want to read up on it more (click) I'm not 100% for sure if thats what is wrong, but its a easy fix to do and if it fixes it, then you've saved yourself some money!


I ♥ My Integra
integra motors are know to have noisy injectors maybe its that if not i say check your valve lashings i just did mine sunday when i changed my water pump and timing belt. i just rolled over 111,xxx i did my major tune up like new NGK wires and spark plugs and my car feels better than ever and Vtec cracks like a mutha.