Knock sensor help


New Member
Ok guys my 97 Integra that I've been working on replace mutiple parts, got everything back totether and now once cranked it up everything ran correctly. But now It throws a cel once it's fully warmed up, scanned it knock sensor popped up. So I bought another one(thanks to noxus1) replaced it same thing keeps re occurring, anyone know the fix to this or what's throwing this code?

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Yolo Whippin'
is it plugged in correctly, is it a working knock sensor, is the knock sensor plugged into the harness correctly did you clear the code?


New Member
Yes as far as I know the clears but comes right back up AMD the engine starts acting up idling normal then drops to 200 rpm AMD back up to normal

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New Member
Ok I'll try the 02 next just hoping something works

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Yolo Whippin'
A bad o2 sensor wont give a code for a knock sensor though :what:


Yolo Whippin'
a knock sensor would set a knock sensor cel. The only way it would be a "phantom code" is if the o2 code was before the knock sensor code. and then fixing the o2 would make the knock code disapear.

i had this happen to me a few times. I had codes pop up with a basemap and i would get code 36:traction control - that was a phantom code. It would come on when i had codes for this or that.


New Member
Possible timing is off? That could trigger the code the knock sensor going bad?

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