Key Holes


New Member
beside shaved key holes, anyone do sumthing esle to their key holes? ie weilding? gluing? or anything. pictures are really helpful too tyty


New Member
which key holes are you referring too?
the trunk, you'd have to weld it of course and for the handles, just get 4dr rear handles, easy :p
just have to paint it thats all


Unregistered User
what are you trying to do? You could probably use bondo or something if you wanted too, db would be easiest tho.


New Member
would db back door handle be a plug and it will work? or i gotta do some mod? because the for DA, you have to modify it


Super Moderator
The DB back door handles are physically the same except they do not have key holes. I'm not sure if the mechanism is the same though


Unregistered User
I'm going to do it to my DA hopefully here soon, If i get it done any time soon I'll post up some stuff.


New Member
i got doubt about it cuz one of my friend's DA took like forever. problem after another cuz you have to mdify it a little. we gotta go to a mechanic for help too. so basically after installing his, i don't wanna deal the same problem again