Keep the real JDM headlights or get new Euro Style JDM headlights?


The Transporter
Everone always say go OEM. But those Ebay ones do look good. I mean those are classy lights. Really, cant go wrong with those 2 options IMO.


New Member
i heard that the euro ones or whatever, have really bad scattering problems and theyre hard to line up. oem FTW.


Super Moderator
I'd be careful with the seals. I've heard that the "aftermarket" lights tend to leak. A good adhessive would fix that up.

Either or IMO.


Unregistered User
they both look good... it depends what you go with for the rest of the lights on the car too...


Senior Member
if you really want a unique look people have taken apart there JDM ones and done some modificatioins to them like painted the housing black.....

could be an idea for ya