Just picked up a CLEAN GSR./ i traded my 08 honda fit


The Transporter
Yea nice trade. Thats a clean teg.


teg driver
i love the car... looks clean, but i have a soft spot for a clean fit too... i want one for a dd so bad. but mine would be baller status. volk wheels and a drop.

anyway... any plans for the teg?


Negative Ned
nice gs-r but i LOVE fit's, only the 07-08's tho, no offense matt i'm sure i'll like yours eventually


i love the car... looks clean, but i have a soft spot for a clean fit too... i want one for a dd so bad. but mine would be baller status. volk wheels and a drop.

anyway... any plans for the teg?

yeah the fit was cool for long dist. trips and stuff like that but i needed a lil more pep in the pedal.
plans for the car include normal stuff i/h/e and maybe a manifold and cams.

thanks for all the feedback. im excited to be here:evil: