its not the alternator!!


New Member
Alright well today i did the test with the multimeter when the car off it read 12.45 when the car on it was almost 14 it was like 13.85. Since my car is 91 i took off the terminals off the battery and left it running and it didnt die and the wierd part is my fog lights started working! Then i turned the car off put the cables back on and the car died what can it be?? im so happy its not the alternator!! please get back to me thanks alot guys you guys are great help :)


New Member
First i hope you didnt fry the alt. running it in full field, seccond just because the batt has adequate voltage it may not have enought amperage, third check your main fuse it may have blown when you disconnected the batt while the car was running. Happy hunting!!!!


Unregistered User
I'm going to guess your battery, tho blackhawk has a point... please never disconnect your battery while running your car ever again. lol


Super Moderator
I agree. Never disconnect the battery with the car running. I always here people say this. Its a horrible idea that can have very bad reprecussions.

You may also want to check your grounds.


I read somewhere that the easy way to test the alternator is to disconnect the battery while the engine is running. I guess thats super false..


New Member
idk i heard it from alot of people and my dad told me to because its a 91 but i just talked to a mechanic and he said never again because the alternator has some eletronic in there and some stuff i didnt fully understand but i didnt fry it ill never do it again tho lol. But idk what to do with the battery, If i take a good one out of my dads car and throw it in and see if the problem occurs will that work?? also how can i check my grounds? And the wiring for i guess the fan for the engine idk what you call it is directly hooked up to the battery just a wire that goes under the clamp and then theres one for the positive and goes into a siwtch which turns my switch on and off would that cause any problems?? What are some tests can i do or something im working on it sunday so i wanna know as much as i can so i can get it running for the winter..


Unregistered User
ahhh..... grammar. lol

heykosal, you're right.... it is a fast way to test the alternator, but it's VERY bad for it... Don't do it.


New Member
Yes i am sorry i am used to talking to my friends and its just a rush and stuff not "proper" sorry about that but you understand what im trying to say still.


Unregistered User
yeah, I understand.... actually not many people know that about the alternator anyways, so don't sweat it.

BUT! I'm guessing it's your battery... you can take it to napa or weaver or something to get it checked... They should do it for free or at least hella cheap.


Super Moderator
I read somewhere that the easy way to test the alternator is to disconnect the battery while the engine is running. I guess thats super false..
No, it's a very bad idea. The best way is to just put a voltmeter or mutlimeter on it to test it. Or you can go to an autoparts store and they will test if for free. As for my views on the "disconnect the battery while running" test, here is a post from another thread:

Me said:
You really shouldn't do that. Besides the fact that it tells you nothing...............If the voltage regulator was to fail (which is common) it could fry a shitload of sensors and/or your wiring harness (and/or ECU). Due to its power capacity and sheer size, the battery acts as a buffer from potentially dangerous voltage fluctuations
heykosal, you're right.... it is a fast way to test the alternator, but it's VERY bad for it... Don't do it.
It really doesn't tell you a whole lot and it's not worth the risk IMO. The car could die even with a good alternator