
Ominous G2

Thats a bad idea, nuclear weapons in general are just stupid. All nuclear weapons should be eliminated, I'm not an anti war person. Just dont see how destroying the world is gonna prove a point. Tell me where you are gonna live when they blow our planet up.

If we nuke Iran it just gives them more reason to do it to us. Whatever happened to the navy seals? Send them in to wipe some people out.


New Member
Ominous G2 said:
Thats a bad idea, nuclear weapons in general are just stupid. All nuclear weapons should be eliminated, I'm not an anti war person. Just dont see how destroying the world is gonna prove a point. Tell me where you are gonna live when they blow our planet up.

If we nuke Iran it just gives them more reason to do it to us. Whatever happened to the navy seals? Send them in to wipe some people out.

not to mention the fallout from nukes.... from the war in iraq, people in england, and possibly here on the east cost, are affected by the toxins in the air from it.


Super Duper Moderator
It's been released that it is an option to use nuclear weapons on Iran if they don't cooperate with the demands of the world and stop trying to get nuclear technology. Why is that a suprise to anyone? We've announced to the world already that, if I can quote Bush, Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice, "All options are on the table." Nuclear weapons are an option, and if we we're going to use them, we need a plan, like with any military operation. That's all that report says. It's a joke that the media is making a big deal out of it. First, they complain that Bush didn't plan enough before going into Iraq, now they complain that he's already planning attacks on Iran. The guy can't win, can't get a fair shake in the press! You think we didn't have nuclear plans on Iraq? I'm sure we did. Before going to war with any adversary you make plan after plan after plan for every concievable scenario. Plans are just that, plans.
The people running Iran are very dangerous Islamic fundamentalists, we need to be very tough with dealing with them, let then know what's up if they fuck with us. To say we will not use nuclear weapons on them weakens our position in our dealings with them, our diplomatic dealing in hopes of avoiding a military confrontation altogether.


New Member
Ominous G2 said:
Thats a bad idea, nuclear weapons in general are just stupid. All nuclear weapons should be eliminated, I'm not an anti war person. Just dont see how destroying the world is gonna prove a point. Tell me where you are gonna live when they blow our planet up.

If we nuke Iran it just gives them more reason to do it to us. Whatever happened to the navy seals? Send them in to wipe some people out.
in case you didn't know, that's why they are trying to make 1. mark my words; if Iran obtains nukes they WILL be used.

Ominous G2

Thats what those navy seals are for. Why is it they make games light ghost recon but never actualley do that shit?