iPod adapter for factory stereo


New Member
Anyone know/have experience with a good one?

I'm trying to figure this out, but not having much luck. Electrical really isn't my strong suite.

I really just want to listen to my tunes while I commute without dropping a bunch of money.

I know I could just get an aftermarket w/auxiliary, but I don't have much cash to spend (under 100), and cheap aftermarket radios look, well, cheap.

Any input, advice much appreciated.


Super Moderator
You could just use an FM Transmitter

Use a Motorola bluetooth capable FM transmitter. That way I can just use my iPhone to bluetooth my music to the that thing and it uses FM transmission to send it to the radio. I found mine for around $40 or so
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Super Moderator
Well that's ghetto!

I guess I didn't think about that. I just use either my iPhone or Blackberry Bold and they both use bluetooth


New Member
Not sure. It's the touch version, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have bluetooth. Although, I've never owned anything with bluetooth, so I don't know how it works (stone age, I know. What can I say, I'm an analog guy).

So the FM transmitter isn't an option?


New Member
Did some research. I guess the touch does have a bluetooth card, but in order to use it you have to upgrade the software for $10. Man, I HATE that shit.

I know it's in the "new" touch, mine however is the older, original version. So, I'm stuck wondering if I even have the right chip, and if I do upgrade my software if it's even going to work :evil:

I'll have to dig further.

Is there any other options anyone knows of?


Super Moderator


New Member
Yeah, I used to have a wireless with my old ipod before it died. It worked OK, but sometimes finding a clean station was a pain, with interference and such. Would prefer to find a way to hardwire it in.

Appreciating your input though.